Check Your Style - Modern

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Let's talk style for a moment shall we because some of us really need to check our style.  We're going to be taking a look at what the modern style of interior design defines itself as and why a ton of people have opted for simplicity over complex design.

Since pretty much everyone has the internet in their pockets these days, I'll spare as much as possible on the tiny details about the modern style. A simple Google search will provide you a bountiful harvest of professional interior designers explanations on what a modern style is right down to correct color choices for your light sockets.

So with that being said, let's dive deeper into this style, I have a ton of material to cover and you only have a few hours before it's dinner time.  Clean lines, natural colors, glass, stone, metal, all things that define the modern style.  And thanks for your time, we do hope you've enjoyed learning about the modern style today here at The American Dream, until next time.  Just kidding, I mean let's be real here, you came here for some style, well sit back down, or continue standing if you're one of those modern standing desk users, and lets really get into this modern style.

Straight Lines Please

Alright so lets start with that first one mentioned, straight lines, simple enough.  The modern home is sleek, spacious, simple, and focuses on lack of distracting details.  This means goodbye to hand carved pillars and hello to straight lines connecting to more straight lines, maybe a few curved straight lines here and there, just close your eyes and imagine an episode of The Jetsons...   

The desire to do away with decorative bits along the edges of our furniture and decorations, seems to follow how we live our lives these days.  We live in a fast paced world where we have little time to really clean those fine details and we can all agree it's much easier to clean spaghetti off a rectangle dining table instead of one with a thousand notched grooves on the edge.  

Since modern design loves it's clean lines it's safe to say this style isn't very kid friendly, but it's doesn't mean you have to ditch the style because of your little wobble toddler, you just have to be creative with your childproofing.

Color, It's Somewhere

So when we think clean, functional, modern, we don't really think about color. Generally this is the case but modern design doesn't do away with color just yet, we're not that far into our all white Utopian future.  You see the thing about modern color, is that it's solid, I mean everything dipped in paint solid, no textures here, not even a bit of wood grain showing through, maybe just a little wood grain for the non conformists.  

While most of your modern style room will consist of many solid white surfaces with the occasional shades of black, primary colors are still used as accents to help break up the white and create focal points, and generally only a few colors are used to accomplish this, I mean otherwise you're living in a crayon box and nobody wants that except maybe a two year old.

I Like My Style How I Like My Music, Metal

If stainless steel and chrome are your favorite decorative metals, then you may already be one gallon bucket of white paint away from a complete modern design home makeover.  Doing away with traditional metal details (like wrought iron and brass) ushers in that new, fresh off the assembly line feel of polished metals.

These shiny metals help achieve that clean and open feel to a room, however, this doesn't mean you need to cover every surface in stainless steel, although we can make a TV Lift covered in stainless steel for you, but that's beside the point.  For the most part it's not uncommon to to see the polished metals as part of the furniture, table legs, or a strip of it wrapped around a couch.

Alright Let's Wrap This Up

So you get the general idea of what to do to achieve that perfect modern style for your home, just remember that you're going for an absolute minimalist look for your living spaces.  This means no clutter,  knick-knacks, vases, small children, collectibles, throw pillows, blankets draped over furniture, you know things that take time to clean up.

If there's one thing that will help you achieve this modern look, it's one of our modern TV Lifts, I mean these modern TV Lifts are the quintessential pieces of furniture of any modern home.  Clean lines, tons of storage behind incognito cabinet doors, and that futuristic wow factor of your TV rising from it's storage space, it doesn't get any more modern than that. 

So before we leave lets check your style readers... Does your home already fit into the modern style or is it time to make the switch, comment below let us know.